New Guidance on Paddle Trails To Help Paddlers Design Adventures On Water

Paddle Trail Guidance is here!

Our friends at British Canoeing have created two fantastic resources all about Paddle Trails and how to create one on your local waterway: “An Introduction to Paddle Trails” and Delivering a Paddle Trail- Design Guidance”. (<–Please click the titles for the links to the documents).

What Are Paddle Trails?

Paddle Trails are designed to inspire, encourage and enable people to get out paddling.

Varying in length and required ability, paddle trails can help people to have a safe and enjoyable experience on our beautiful waterways. They can be linear or circular, with easy access to the water at the start and finish. They can usually be completed within a day or less, but multi-day journeys including camping are another great option for the more adventurous!

And as you already know- paddling can be enjoyed by everyone, including those who are differently abled. Rivers and waterways connect millions of people across a range of diverse backgrounds. Paddle trails are a fantastic way to get more people out paddling more often.

We can help with funding your Paddling Trail!

So why are we telling you all this, you ask? Well, because the Canoe Foundation would love to help you get started with YOUR Paddling Trail! A modest investment can make a real difference in making people feel comfortable having a go at your Paddle Trail. It can also ensure the Trail is more inclusive for many years to come.

Apply for Funding for your Paddle Trail

We encourage you to have a read of these fantastic new resources (please click the titles for the links to the documents)!

1. “An Introduction to Paddle Trails
2. “Delivering a Paddle Trail- Design Guidance” 

If you think your club, group or organisation could create a Paddle Trail, why not apply for funding from the Canoe Foundation for any physical access points needed? It opens on 1 November 2023 until 31 January 2024.

The health, economic and environmental benefits of a Paddle Trail can help offset the costs of any infrastructure in the longer term. And a grant from the Canoe Foundation would be a great assist in getting the project off the ground (and onto the water) too!

As well as checking out the two great resources linked above, check out the fantastic Go Paddling website for all your paddling needs.

Happy paddling!