Paddlesport Facilities at Cadley Services Improved Thanks to Canoe Foundation Grant

A popular paddling spot on the historic Lancaster canal has been revitalised thanks to a £4,000 donation from the Canoe Foundation.

The Canal and River Trust secured the grant earlier this year to improve the paddlesport facilities at Cadley Services with the aims of supporting the wellbeing of local communities and raising the profile of the Lancaster Canal.

The project saw the installation of a new landing stage, car park expansion, new signage, and landscaping work to improve the appeal of the site.  

The core partner for this first year was Ribble Canoe Club who have been using the site regularly for ‘Welcome to Cadley’ paddling events as well as local training and educational sessions. Impressively there were seven starter paddling events over the summer period and all were very well attended, with some fully booked!

Next Year and Beyond

In addition to the established working partnership with Ribble Canoe Club, the Canal and River Trust have been in conversation with a number of new groups and organisations who are interested in using the site in 2023 and beyond: 

  • Lancashire outdoor education services
  • Plastic Free Preston
  • Preston Ashton Community team
  • Community Payback – obliterate aquatic weed and reed
  • Schools – there are at least six local schools based within five miles of the site who are interested in ‘Let’s Paddle’ events through this project

Community Pay Pack activities were also part of phase 1 and will be included in this new programme; with a focus on activity supporting aquatic week and reed removal.

Kate Gordon, Enterprise Manager for the Northwest Region at Canal and Rivers Trust says “Overall, this fund has enabled us to invest in better infrastructure at Cadley to make canoeing and other paddlesports more accessible to the wider community and new users of the canal in Preston. 
She added “The donation has allowed us to increase community engagement and develop positive relationships with local groups and organisations who are striving to support community wellbeing and getting active in new ways in this area of Lancashire.”

Do you know of a great paddling project in your area that could benefit from our help? Well look no further! A new Canoe Foundation funding window opens on 15 February so mark your calendar and watch this space.