South Kyme Parish Council Celebrates New Canoe/Kayak/SUP Platform Funded by the Canoe Foundation

In the heart of the pretty Lincolnshire countryside lies the charming village of South Kyme, where the Kyme Eau river meanders through lush green landscapes. Thanks to a generous grant of £2,175 from the Canoe Foundation, the community now boasts a brand-new launch and landing platform for canoeists, kayakers and stand-up paddle boarders.

The story begins with the previous Parish Council, which secured the grant from the Canoe Foundation back in 2022. However, progress hit a snag due to a lack of volunteers during their tenure.

But hope was not lost! Enter the newly elected Parish Council, taking charge in May 2023. They breathed new life into the project, rallying the community with a call for volunteers. Local firms stepped up, generously offering equipment for free. And so, on the weekend of 7th and 8th April 2024, four dedicated volunteers (including one from the Lincolnshire Rivers Trust) worked tirelessly to bring the vision to life.

The result? A sturdy, resilient 3.5-metre long platform with steps leading down from the jetty. Although the original plan called for a 6-metre platform, material constraints led to an adjustment. Residents welcomed the smaller size, recognising its reduced impact on biodiversity. The platform now stands as a real feature in South Kyme, inviting residents and visitors to engage with the natural beauty of the Kyme Eau.

Carole Chapman, a member of the Parish Council, said: “We are immensely grateful to the Canoe Foundation for their generous contribution towards the construction of our new canoe platform. This wonderful addition has quickly become a beloved feature in our village, offering residents and visitors alike the opportunity to engage with the beauty of our river. The platform not only enhances the charm of our village but also promotes outdoor activities and a sense of community. It stands as a testament to the Foundation’s commitment to fostering a love for nature and supporting recreational infrastructure. Thank you, Canoe Foundation, for being a pivotal part of our village’s enhancement and for providing a launchpad for countless adventures on the water.”

As the sun glints off the water, countless adventures await on this newly minted launchpad. We hope the residents of and visitors to South Kyme enjoy it for many years to come!

Photos courtesy of Carole Chapman, South Kyme Parish Council

As a charity, the Canoe Foundation relies on donations to continue supporting grassroots groups that enhance physical access to paddle sports across the UK. Please consider contributing a one-off or regular donation to the Canoe Foundation. Your support helps ensure sustainable and accessible waterways and coastlines for everyone in the UK. Thank you for being part of our mission to improve places to paddle!

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