YMCA Fairthorne Manor site improvements completed

Earlier in the year, YMCA Fairthorne Manor received a £5,000 grant from the Canoe Foundation.  We’re now pleased to announce that the work at the site is now completed and ready to be put to use!

The YMCA received the money to improve access at the site. Work included improvements to parking and track to the boathouse, signage and a water supply extension to help check, clean, dry.

The work at the site now means that more groups, families and individuals can enjoy the site to paddle sustainably, enjoying access to the beautiful lake and surrounding Southampton countryside and upper reaches of the River Hamble.

To find out more about launching at YMCA Fairthorne Manor, click here.

We rely on donations to improve places to paddle across the UK. Please consider donating a one off or regular amount to our Foundation to help us continue with our work and ensure everyone has sustainable access to our waterways and coastline. Thank you. Donate here >